
Marvel: la line-up di Fall of X è ora completa

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Nella giornata di Ieri Marvel ha completato gli annunci relativi alle testate già annunciate e legate alla Fall of X, prossima era Mutante in arrivo negli e che si aprir’ con X-MEN: HELLFIRE GALA #1 in uscita USA a Luglio 2023

La nuova era mutante aprirà un percorso inaspettato per uno dei mutanti più amati, Kurt Wagner, che sarà protagonista di : UNCANNY SPIDER-MAN di Si Spurrier e Lee Garbett

Escaping the turmoil of FALL OF X in a flash of smoke and brimstone, it’s time for Nightcrawler to play the swashbuckling, devil-may-care hero he was always destined to be! Meeting a potential new lover, battling some of the most iconic members of Spidey’s rogues gallery, and saving civilians, mutant and human alike—Kurt is having the time of his life! But it’s not all fun and games… Nightcrawler will also be a lone soldier on the frontlines of mutantkind’s upcoming war with ORCHIS. Throughout the saga, he’ll also confront a long-simmering mystery surrounding his mother, Mystique, as Spurrier’s bold transformation of the character approaches a startling climax!

Nel chaos degli eventi che stanno per arrivare, ci sarà tempo per vedere risorgere nuovamente gli ALPHA FLIGHT, con una mini che vedrà il gruppo canadese guidato da Ed Brisson e Scott Godlewski.

ALPHA FLIGHT will introduce two conflicting Alpha Flight squads that are formed in response to the shocking events of this year’s Hellfire Gala. Mutantkind’s actions have put Canada on the offense and in addition to crafting a new line of sentinels, they’ll assign a government-sponsored team with de-escalating the mutant conflict by any means necessary! But a second Alpha Flight team joins the fight, striking from the shadows. More secrets and conspiracies are revealed as classic Alpha Flight members and new faces alike become major players on both sides of the war that will define mutantkind!

SAVING CANADA…FROM THE MUTANT MENACE?! Guardian, Puck, Snowbird, and Shaman return, as a terrestrial ALPHA FLIGHT bursts onto the scene! But what schism will pit these heroes against their former teammates Aurora, Northstar, and Nemesis, as well as Aurora’s beau, Fang? The FALL OF X has changed the game. Will Alpha Flight soar to new heights…or be crushed under the weight of an impossible mission?

Per concludere , annunciata anche un’altra miniserie in 4 numeri, realizzata da Deniz Camp e  Luca Maresca, che sarà dedicata a quella che potrebbe essere la più grande minaccia per il futuro mutante, i CHILDREN OF THE VAULT

The Children of the Vault are back, and they are determined to be humanity’s salvation! But not everything is as it seems, and every utopia has its costs. What is the motivation behind these highly evolved beings gifting the world with their advanced technology? And how do Bishop and a now-Orchis-captured Cable figure into their plans?

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Marcello Portolan
Uno strano mix genetico sperimentale allevato a fumetti & fantascienza classica, plasmato dal mondo dell'informatica e della tecnologia, ma con la passione per la scrittura. Un ghiottone che adora esplorare il mondo in cerca di Serie TV e pellicole da guardare noncurante dei pericoli del Trash e dello splatter. un vero e proprio globetrotter del mondo NERD

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