
Marvel: i Champions sono pronti a tornare

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Dalle ceneri del volume Outlawed rinasceranno i champions , con Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Ms. Marvel e Nova (Sam Alexander)che riuniscono il team.
A scrivere la serie Eve L. Ewing assieme al nostro Simone Di Meo.

L’autore ha dichiarato
I always put pressure on myself, but it’s less about anything anyone says and more about what I know the characters and our fans deserve,”
“I think individually and collectively the Champions are some of the coolest, most interesting characters in the Marvel Universe. I loved writing Kamala on Marvel Team-Up, and observant readers noticed that I brought in Nadia van Dyne (Wasp) and Miles Morales on Ironheart. And I want to tell a story that’s worthy of them. For me the big challenge is working with an ensemble cast, trying to make sure that we tell a cohesive story while individual characters also have moments to shine.”

L’autore ha spiegato che gli eventi di Outlawed sono destinati ad avere un grande impatto su tutto il mondo Marvel

“Alanna Smith came to me with this story idea last summer. I was so into it and we were just talking about it as a cool series that I would do. But after I started working on the pitch, it became clear that there was interest from other creative teams in picking up the story, and that was humbling and cool,” . “So now it’s creeping more toward becoming a complete status quo change for the Marvel Universe, and I’ve connected with a couple of other writers to think about what they’re gonna be doing in other titles. Can’t wait to see where it all goes!”

Questa la sinossi del loro ritorno
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Marcello Portolan
Uno strano mix genetico sperimentale allevato a fumetti & fantascienza classica, plasmato dal mondo dell'informatica e della tecnologia, ma con la passione per la scrittura. Un ghiottone che adora esplorare il mondo in cerca di Serie TV e pellicole da guardare noncurante dei pericoli del Trash e dello splatter. un vero e proprio globetrotter del mondo NERD

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