
Marvel: tornano i New Warriors

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La Marvel Comics riunirà i New Warriors per una nuova miniserie realizzata dalloscrittore Daniel Kibblesmith (Loki, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert) e dell’artista Luciano Vecchio (Ironheart).
La serie avrà inizio agli eventi di Outlawed #1, Night Thrasher, Firestar, Silhouette, Rage, Speedball e Namorita tornano insieme per riformare i New Warriors. Solo che questa volta, Night Thrasher ha l’obiettivo di trasformare la squadra in mentori per i giovani eroi.
Queste le parole dello sceneggiatore :
My passing familiarity coming in was actually pretty helpful for our back-to-basics approach to the team — we’re going with most of the original members, plus Rage and Silhouette, who might as well be founding members the same way Captain America isn’t technically a founding Avenger,” 
“When I think of ‘my’ core team, those are the people I can’t imagine doing without — Night Thrasher, Namorita, Firestar, Speedball, Rage. Justice is there, but he’s torn between worlds because of his bigger role in Outlawed.”
questa invece la sinossi
“It was important to me to have moments of Justice and Night Thrasher counterbalancing each other as the two sometimes-leaders of the New Warriors,” he added. “And our artist, Luciano Vecchio, has such a great take on Silhouette, and so much love for that character, that we made sure to make her an official part of the team. I think the exception to our classic roster might be Nova, ‘cuz he’s usually off in space doing Nova stuff. Such is the nature of the Marvel Universe being an actual, uh, universe.”
New Warriors # 1 di Daniel Kibblesmith e Luciano Vecchio sarà in vendita ad aprile da Marvel Comics.
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Marcello Portolan
Uno strano mix genetico sperimentale allevato a fumetti & fantascienza classica, plasmato dal mondo dell'informatica e della tecnologia, ma con la passione per la scrittura. Un ghiottone che adora esplorare il mondo in cerca di Serie TV e pellicole da guardare noncurante dei pericoli del Trash e dello splatter. un vero e proprio globetrotter del mondo NERD

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