Si preannunciano tempi duri per la Justice League, la DC ha infatti annunciato che il team principale della casa editrice andrà in contro a un destino avverso nel numero 75 della testata. L’albo in uscita ad aprile infatti conterrà la storia The Death of the Justice League, inizio del prossimo grande evento DC.
Il team creativo sarà composto dallo sceneggiatore Joshua Williamson e dall’artista Rafa Sandoval, mentre alla cover ci saranno Daniel Sampere e Alejandro Sanchez
Queste le informazioni rilasciate dalla casa editrice
A new Dark Army made up of the DCU’s greatest villains has formed on the edges of the Multiverse and the best and most powerful heroes are pulled together in an epic war to push the darkness back. In the end, the Justice League are killed by the Dark Army with only one survivor to warn the remaining heroes of Earth about what is coming for them!
Williamson ha dichiarato :
“We’ve been building to the Death of the Justice League for the last year across the main line,” “I remember buying DEATH OF SUPERMAN 30 years ago and now we have an opportunity to take that idea and go bigger with it. JUSTICE LEAGUE 75 allows us to showcase why the Justice League are comics’ greatest heroes as we show the aftermath of the loss against their biggest threat ever and its impact on the DCU.”
Per scoprire il futuro della JL non ci rimane che attendere maggiori info
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